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This sample gets a list of RSS feed URLs from ./config/rss.json file. Then it retrieves each feed and passes links to scraper. Scraper reads content of each URL. Next, keywords are matched and a score given for each URL.

If score is grater than 0 it gets added to a list of links and short details are posted to slack channel.


Pass SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL as input parameter when starting Sequence.

Keywords are configured in ./config/keywords.json file. Use word and weight as in the example:

{ "word": "serverless", "weight": 15 }

RSS Feed URL as in ./config/rss.json


❗ Remember to setup transform-hub locally or use the platform's environment for the sequence deployment.

Open the terminal and run the following commands:

# install dependencies
npm install

# transpile TS->JS to dist/
npm run build

# make a compressed package with Sequence
si seq pack dist

# send Sequence to transform hub, this will output Sequence ID
si seq send dist.tar.gz

# start a Sequence, this will output Instance ID. Provide slack webhook URL as input parameter
si seq start - --args [\"SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL\"]

# See output - actual output will be send to slack channel
si inst output -

# Optional commands below:

# Check console.log messages
si inst stdout -

# Check console.error messages
si inst stderr -

As this is scraping content on regular basis 429 Too Many Requests Error is inevitable. In order to mitigate this problem, increase pause between requests.

Check out the source on GitHub

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