This sequence supports retriveing data from those platforms:
- Docker Hub -Pull Count, Stars
- GitHub -Weekly Stars, Weekly Views
- PyPi -Weekly Downloads
- Npm - Weekly Downloads
❗ Remember to setup transform-hub locally or use the platform's environment for the sequence deployment.
As this apps is using github API, the key is required to use it. For information how to get one please refer to creating-personal-access-token
To get this app running you need to provide information in a data.json
file to match repositories you want to check
"gitHubRepos": [
"owner": "owner",
"repo": "repository-name"
"dockerHubRepos": ["user/repo-name"],
"pyPiRepos": ["repo-name"],
"npmRepos": ["repo-name"]
Example data for testing :
"gitHubRepos": [
"owner": "scramjetorg",
"repo": "transform-hub"
"dockerHubRepos": ["scramjetorg/pre-runner"],
"pyPiRepos": ["scramjet-api-client"],
"npmRepos": ["scramjet"]
❗ ❗ Currently all fields in json file are necessary to run this code. Not providing one or providing wrong value will result in no response.
Open the terminal and run the following commands:
# go to 'repo-checker' directory
cd typescript/repo-checker
# install dependencies
npm install
# transpile TS->JS to dist/
npm run build
# deploy the Sequence with a following arguments where first one is a time interval in ms which determines how often to check for data and second is github api key
si seq deploy dist --args '[10000,"YOUR-GITHUB-API-KEY-HERE"]'
Getting results
To get results run the following code in terminal:
# access data stored in topic which has been generated by sequence
si topic get repo-data
This should result in a output with following style:
"{\"repoName\":\"scramjetorg/pre-runner\",\"repoType\":\"docker hub\",\"dataType\":\"total pulls\",\"number\":3321}"
Check out the source on GitHub