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This is a sequence which transcript audio file using AssemblyAi API.


❗ Remember to setup transform-hub locally or use the platform's environment for the sequence deployment.

As this apps is using AssemblyAi Api, the key is required to use it. For information how to get one please refer to assemblyAi


Open the terminal and run the following commands:

# go to 'repo-checker' directory
cd typescript/audio2text-event

# install dependencies
npm install

# transpile TS->JS to dist/
npm run build

# deploy the Sequence with a following arguments where first one is a time interval in ms which determines how often to check for data and second is github api key
si seq deploy dist --args '["YOUR-GITHUB-API-KEY-HERE"]'

# upload file to a instance
si inst input - /path/to/your/file -t application/octet-stream

Getting results

All the information generated by this instance will be available at the log channel.

To get result simply type in console:

si inst output -

Using events

To use events use commands si inst event emit <instance-id> pause to pause input stream and si inst event emit <instance-id> pause to resume it


to make testing easier the sequence contains file ready to be uploaded.

Logs when running this sequence with a sample file should look like this:


Check out the source on GitHub

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