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💡NOTE: Packaging of Python Sequences is not very "pythonic" for now. If you have any idea, how we should resolve it for your comfort, please let us know here.

❗ Remember to setup transform-hub locally or use the platform's environment for the sequence deployment.

Open the terminal and run the following commands:

# Install dependencies
npm run build

# Deploy samples to Hub
npm run deploy:fetch
npm run deploy:transform

To get it going, input 4 coordinates to fetch_structures Sequence: Min Latitude, Min Longitude, Max Latitude, Max Longitude

Fifth argument, height, is optional and 50 by default.

si inst input <instance-id>
# type in e.g. 52.1485 20.7917 52.3667 21.2816 80
# Warsaw buildings with height>80m

You can get the coordinates using bbox tool 🔧.

You can also Data will then be fetched and passed to the Topic.

The transform_xml Sequence will parse the xml file from the Topic and remove unnecessary tags. You can edit the transform_xml/ to save the result xml into e.g. database.

    xml_file = transform_xml_data(''.join(chunks))'Transformed xml file')
# save to e.g. database...

Check out the source on GitHub

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