~ShiftBufferCallback : function
Shift Function
Kind: inner typedef
Param | Type | Description |
shifted | Buffer | any | shifted bytes |
~BufferParseCallback : Promise.<any> | any
Kind: inner typedef
Returns: Promise.<any>
| any
- the promise should be resolved with the parsed object
Param | Type | Description |
chunk | Buffer | the transformed chunk |
~MapCallback : Promise.<any> | any
Kind: inner typedef
Returns: Promise.<any>
| any
- the mapped object
Param | Type | Description |
chunk | any | the chunk to be mapped |
~FilterCallback : Promise.<Boolean> | Boolean
Kind: inner typedef
Returns: Promise.<Boolean>
| Boolean
- information if the object should remain in the filtered stream.
Param | Type | Description |
chunk | any | the chunk to be filtered or not |
~ReduceCallback : Promise.<any> | any
Kind: inner typedef
Returns: Promise.<any>
| any
- accumulator for the next pass
Param | Type | Description |
accumulator | any | the accumulator - the object initially passed or returned by the previous reduce operation |
chunk | object | the stream chunk. |
~DoCallback : Promise.<any> | any ⇄
Kind: inner typedef
Returns: Promise.<any>
| any
- the outcome is discarded
Param | Type | Description |
chunk | object | source stream chunk |
~IntoCallback : Promise.<any> | any ⇄
Kind: inner typedef
Returns: Promise.<any>
| any
- resolution for the old stream (for flow control only)
Param | Type | Description |
into | * | stream passed to the into method |
chunk | any | source stream chunk |
~UseCallback : DataStream ⇄
Kind: inner typedef
Param | Type |
stream | DataStream |
...parameters | Array.<any> |
~TeeCallback : function
Kind: inner typedef
Param | Type | Description |
teed | DataStream | The teed stream |
~ScramjetTransformCallback : Promise.<(any|undefined)> | any | undefined
Transform async callback. The passed transform should return a new chunk, unless
the output should be filtered - if so, the transform should return undefined
Additionally the function can reject with DataStream.filter
- the result will be
filtered and no other transforms will be run on the chunk.
Kind: inner typedef
Returns: Promise.<(any|undefined)>
| any
| undefined
- the result, undefined will be treated as filtered out.
Param | Type | Description |
chunk | Buffer | string | any | the stream chunk |
encoding | string | encoding of the chunk |
~ScramjetWriteCallback : Promise.<void> | void
Write async callback. Await your async write and resolve.
Kind: inner typedef
Returns: Promise.<void>
| void
- should resolve when the write ends
Param | Type | Description |
chunk | Buffer | string | any | the stream chunk |
encoding | string | encoding of the chunk |
~ScramjetReadCallback : Array.<any> | Promise.<Array.<any>>
Read async callback. Simply await your async operations and return the result as array.
Kind: inner typedef
Returns: Array.<any>
| Promise.<Array.<any>>
- the read chunk.
Param | Type | Description |
count | number | the number of chunks that should be read ("this is more like a set of guideline than actual rules"). |
~DataStreamOptions : object
Standard options for scramjet streams.
Defines async transforms or read/write methods for a stream.
Kind: inner typedef Properties
Name | Type | Default | Description |
[promiseRead] | ScramjetReadCallback |
| an async function returning the next read item |
[promiseWrite] | ScramjetWriteCallback |
| an async function writing the next written item |
[promiseTransform] | ScramjetTransformCallback |
| an async function returning a transformed chunk |
[promiseFlush] | ScramjetReadCallback |
| an async function run before transform stream ends to push last chunks from the buffer |
[beforeTransform] | ScramjetTransformCallback |
| an async function run before the transform |
[afterTransform] | ScramjetTransformCallback |
| an async function run after the transform |
[maxParallel] | number | os.cpus.length*2 | the number of transforms done in parallel |
[referrer] | DataStream |
| a referring stream to point to (if possible the transforms will be pushed to it |
[objectMode] | boolean | true | should the object mode be used instead of creating a new stream) |
[highWaterMark] | number | The maximum number of bytes to store in the internal buffer before ceasing to read from the underlying resource. Default: 16384 (16KB), or 16 for objectMode streams. | |
[encoding] | string | If specified, then buffers will be decoded to strings using the specified encoding. Default: null. | |
[emitClose] | boolean | Whether or not the stream should emit 'close' after it has been destroyed. Default: true. | |
[read] | function | Implementation for the stream._read() method. | |
[destroy] | function | Implementation for the stream._destroy() method. | |
[construct] | function | Implementation for the stream._construct() method. | |
[autoDestroy] | boolean | Whether this stream should automatically call .destroy() on itself after ending. Default: true. |
~ShiftCallback : function
Shift Function
Kind: inner typedef
Param | Type | Description |
shifted | Array.<object> | any | an array of shifted chunks |
~AccumulateCallback : Promise.<any> | *
Kind: inner typedef
Returns: Promise.<any>
| *
- resolved when all operations are completed
Param | Type | Description |
accumulator | * | Accumulator passed to accumulate function |
chunk | * | the stream chunk |
~ConsumeCallback : Promise.<any> | *
Kind: inner typedef
Returns: Promise.<any>
| *
- resolved when all operations are completed
Param | Type | Description |
chunk | * | the stream chunk |
~RemapCallback : Promise.<any> | *
Kind: inner typedef
Returns: Promise.<any>
| *
- promise to be resolved when chunk has been processed
Param | Type | Description |
emit | function | a method to emit objects in the remapped stream |
chunk | * | the chunk from the original stream |
~FlatMapCallback : AsyncGenerator.<any, void, any> | Promise.<Iterable.<any>> | Iterable.<any>
Kind: inner typedef
Returns: AsyncGenerator.<any, void, any>
| Promise.<Iterable.<any>>
| Iterable.<any>
- promise to be resolved when chunk has been processed
Param | Type | Description |
chunk | * | the chunk from the original stream |
~JoinCallback : Promise.<> |
Kind: inner typedef
Returns: Promise.<*>
| *
- promise that is resolved with the joining item
Param | Type | Description |
previous | * | the chunk before |
next | * | the chunk after |
~AffinityCallback : Symbol | string
Kind: inner typedef
Param | Type |
chunk | * |
~DelegateCallback : function
Kind: inner typedef
~RateOptions : object
Kind: inner typedef
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[timeFrame] | number | 1000 | The size of the window to look for streams. |
[getTime] | function | | Time source - anything that returns time. |
[setTimeout] | function | setTimeout | Timing function that works identically to setTimeout. |
~ExecDataOptions : object
Kind: inner typedef
Extends: StringStream.ExecOptions
Name | Type | Description |
[parse] | UseCallback | scramjet module to transform the stream to string or buffer stream |
[stringify] | UseCallback | scramjet module to transform from string or buffer stream to wanted version |
~CreateModuleOptions : object
Options for createModule
Kind: inner typedef Properties
Name | Type | Description |
StreamClass | DataStream | defines what class should the module assume |
~StreamMixin : object
Definition of a single mixin for a specific Scramjet class. Should contain any number of stream methods.
Kind: inner typedef Properties
Name | Type | Description |
constructor | function | optional constructor that will be called in the stream constructor (this has to be an own property!) |
~ScramjetPlugin : object
Definition of a plugin in Scramjet
Kind: inner typedef Internal: Properties
Name | Type | Description |
BufferStream | StreamMixin | definition of constructor and properties for the BufferStream prototype. |
DataStream | StreamMixin | definition of constructor and properties for the DataStream prototype. |
MultiStream | StreamMixin | definition of constructor and properties for the MultiStream prototype. |
StringStream | StreamMixin | definition of constructor and properties for the StringStream prototype. |
~MultiMapCallback : DataStream ⇄
Kind: inner typedef
Param | Type |
stream | DataStream |
~DistributeOptions : object
Distribute options
Kind: inner typedef Properties
Name | Type | Default | Description |
[plugins] | Array | [] | a list of scramjet plugins to load (if omitted, will use just the ones in scramjet itself) |
[StreamClass] | string | "DataStream" | the class to deserialize the stream to. |
[threads] | number | os.cpus().length * 2 | maximum threads to use - defaults to number of processor threads in os, but it may be sensible to go over this value if you'd intend to run synchronous code. |
[createOptions] | DataStreamOptions |
| maximum threads to use - defaults to number of processor threads in os, but it may be sensible to go over this value if you'd intend to run synchronous code. |
[StreamWorker] | StreamWorker | scramjet.StreamWorker | worker implementation. |
~ValueOfCallback : Promise.<number> | number
Kind: inner typedef
Returns: Promise.<number>
| number
- value of the object
Param | Type | Description |
chunk | * | stream object |
~NumberStreamOptions : object
NumberStream options
Kind: inner typedef
Extends: DataStreamOptions
Name | Type | Default | Description |
[valueOf] | ValueOfCallback | x => +x | value of the data item function. |
~ShiftStringCallback : function
Kind: inner typedef
Param | Type | Description |
shifted | string | any | Shifted chars |
~ParseCallback : Promise.<any> | any
Kind: inner typedef
Returns: Promise.<any>
| any
- the promise should be resolved with the parsed object
Param | Type | Description |
chunk | string | the transformed chunk |
~ExecOptions : object
Kind: inner typedef
Extends: child_process.SpawnOptions
Name | Type | Default | Description |
[stream] | number | 1 | (bitwise) the output stdio number to push out (defaults to stdout = 1) |
[interpreter] | Array.<string> | [] | defaults to nothing, except on windows where "cmd.exe /c" will be spawned by default |