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When does it end?

Scramjet’s Instance is designed to be long-running, which means that it does not impose any time limits on your processing. This allows you to focus on implementing your business logic without worrying about abrupt interruptions when your processing exceeds a defined limit. Long-running Instances are ideal for performing longer processing tasks such as ETL processes, training ML models, IoT data collection, and data transformation. They also enable you to store the processing state in memory, which is useful for tasks like batch processing. Instances live as long as you design them to run. To determine when an Instance ends, you can look at the value returned from the Instance. Here are some popular Instance return value types:

  • Primitive types like string and number: The Instance ends when the value is returned from the function.
  • Undefined or None: The Instance ends when the code is reached.
  • Stream: The Instance ends when the stream ends.
  • Promises: The Instance ends when the Promise is resolved or rejected.

  • Unlike big function as a service providers, Scramjet does not limit the running time of your Instance. This allows you to focus on implementing your business logic without worrying about abrupt interruptions when your processing exceeds a defined limit. Long-running Instances are ideal for performing longer processing tasks such as ETL processes, training ML models, IoT data collection, and data transformation. They also enable you to store the processing state in memory, which is useful for tasks like batch processing.


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